2008 Orccon Winners

Boardgame 1st 2nd 3rd Type
1830 Rail Slot Todd Vander Pluym Bill Gallagher Joe Gray Rail
18XX Classic Jonathan Flagg Chuck Bass Todd Vanderpluym Rail
18XX Short Jonathan Flagg Todd Vander Pluym Joe Gray Rail
1960 Making of the President Rick Lepore Chris Durian Jeff Nyder Strategy
Acquire Jim Maloney Jodee Bybee Scott Kelly Euro
Advanced Civilization JC Kern Jeff Lake Tony Zbaraschuk Strategy
Age of Empires III Scott Kelly Mathew Wilson Tarynne Fraigun Euro
Age of Steam Ken McMillan Scott Pease, Grant Zweifel Rail
Agricola Rob Larson Neil Figuarcion Jonathon Mabe Euro
Alhambra Pearl Newton Barry Goldstein Darrell Stark Euro
American Megafauna Alex Packard Dave Siskin Strategy
Amun Re Bruce Schlickbernd Pamela Watt Daniel Eppolito Euro
Apples to Apples Jerry Harper Pat Fitzsimmons Cathy Neelon Party
Asia Engulfed Ian Rodriguez Jeff Franson Matthew Elstein Wargame
Axis & Allies - Sunday Shad Schidel Scott VanEssen Wargame
Axis and Allies #1 Chas McHaffie Mike Tan Jay Spowart, Manny Labis Wargame
Bang! Party
Battle Cry Ben Tobin Keith Brush Rick Lepore Wargame
Battle Lore Anthony Stenzol Walter Wichowski Strategy
Battlestations - Fleet Action Edward Tu Scott Everts Chris Taylor Wargame
Battletech Tim Wilson Tom Sutton Wargame
Blokus #1 Chris Johnson Tanya Aldrich Bill Gallagher Family
Blokus #2 Robert Neff Christine Hardenberg Samantha Peay Family
Blue Moon City Ron Ramos Matthew Wilson Euro
Bohnanza Stephanie Schidel Angela Heckler Stephanie Sarsoza Family
Carcassonne Colin Dimock Andreas Plucher Chad Rutt Euro
Cartagena 1 & 2 Michael Sarsoza Greg Richardson James Alexander Euro
Catch Phrase Edwin Roske, Ron Ramos, Erin Fenton, Chia Robertson, Darrell Stark Ed Quiroz, Anna Peavoy Party
Caylus Justine Young Bruce Schlickbernd Robert Neff Euro
Charades Stanton Peay, Anna Peay, Rob C, Linda Fitzsimmons, Joseph Neelon, Pat T Samantha Peay, Edward Roske, Krysta Fryer, Mike Fryer, Tim Oates Party
Chez Geek Michael Parra, James Alexander Charles Long, Rocco Garcia Odin 8186, James Baca Social
Chez Geek Lance Kline Emily Davis Chris Magoon Social
Chez Goth Heide Nichols James Collins Charles Long Social
Citadels Mike Phillips Stephanie Sarsoza Tim Towery Euro
Cleopatra & the Society Pearl Newton Wren Powell Bryan Lopez Euro
Cloud 9 Richard Potthoff Stephanie Sarsoza Lori Greene Family
Colosseum Ken McMillan Alan Herem Mathew Wilson Euro
Columbia Games Wargame
Combat Commander Tim Porter Sam W James Bacca Wargame
Conquest of Paradise Scott Pease Steve Williams Jeff Snyder Strategy
Containers Robert Neff, Chia Richardson Judson Lester Russell Howell Euro
Cowboys:Way of the Gun Sam Peay Nick Peay Mike Fryer Strategy
Cribbage Ed Roske John Ruff Samantha Peay Family
Cut Throat Caverns Nick Szegedi Ben Mack Richard Potthoff Social
Descent Journeys in the Dark Strategy
Diplomacy Justine Young (Turkey) Jordan Kubicki (Italy) Tony Zbaraschuk (France) Strategy
Dune Ben Mack, Dave Jesch Strategy
Dune Finals Strategy
Dungeon of Dorukan - Order of the Stick Alison Cuyler Guy Yamato Alex Utter Social
Dust Nick Szegedi Brian Hughes Roland Wood Strategy
El Grande Mike Patterson David Mines Rob Escalante Euro
Empire Builder Bill Gallagher Eric Verheiden Winton Lemoine Rail
Euro Pick Stanton Peay Daniel Eppolito Special
Euro Rails Nancy Ballard Eric Verheiden Anne Sidell Rail
Family Business Andrew Schoonmaker Robin Erb Robert Neff Social
Federation Commander Mark Luta Paul Ang Ginger Busquiazo Wargame
Felix: The Cat in the Sack Cheryl Aday Ben Holbrook Mary Taylor Family
Felix: The Cat in the Sack Hilda Erb Ben Holbrook Ginger Busquiazo Family
Fluxx #1 Robert Andrusyko Ed Murphy Social
Fluxx #2 Heide Nichols Chia Richardson Family
For Sale Chris Johnson Edward Roske James Alexander Family
Formula De Wayne Hardenberg Andreas Pluchar Christine Hardenberg Strategy
Formula Motor Racing Steve Loeb Paul Allwood Scott Sanders Family
Fortress America Walter Wichowski Stephanie Steward Strategy
Frag Greg Dapkus Ryan Fisher Social
Frag James Bacy Social
Frag James Bacy Social
Frag Deadlands Alison Cuyler Steve Hutt Eric Gadal, Andreas Pluchar Social
Game of Thrones Roland Wood Alison Guyler Stephen Stewart Strategy
Goa David Koontz Jessica Eppolito David Holt Euro
Good The Bad & the Munchkin, the Bryan Symington MaryAnne Kline Charles Lung Social
Greed Quest James Maloney Heide Nichols Darrell Stark Social
Guillotine #1 Theodore Blegen Russell Howell, Chia Richardson Social
Guillotine #2 Michelle Donegan Heather Hughes Rocco Garcia Social
Hammer of the Scots Mark Luta Tim Porter Manuel Serpa Wargame
Hannibal Rome vs Carthage Sebastian Sohn Robert Woodson Mark Luta Wargame
Hard Vacuum Strategy
Hearts #1 Stanton Peay Erich Sforza Dan O'Farrell Cards
Hearts #2 Rick Lepore Darrell Stark Shad Schidel Cards
Hey that's my Fish James Alexander Paul Allwood Edward Tu Family
High School Drama Brianna Peay Robin Erb Tim Malorey Social
History of the World Tom Cosbett Walter Wichowski Justin Clouter Strategy
Illuminati Maryanne(Highlander) Kree Ah Stonecutter Ryan Gan Social
Illuminati Brian Alvarado Guy Yamato James Gevuso Social
Illuminati: Crime Lords Ray Arbizu Mike Patterson Social
Imperial Matthew Smith Ben Holbrook David Siskin Euro
India Rails Eric Verheiden Steven Stewart Nancy Ballard Rail
Ingenious Stanton Peay Chris Johnson Michael Sarsoza Family
Insecta Mutant Kit Strategy
Iron Dragon Eric Verheiden, Anne Sidell Nancy Ballard Michal Brent Rail
Jigsaw Puzzle Chia Richardson, Greg Richardson Highlandr, Goddess Pat Jeanette Hefner, Ricky Hefner Family
Juniors Event #1 Jacob Fraigun Leo Rodriguez Elliot Hughes Juniors
Juniors Event #2 Travis Albright Samantha Kline Jacob Fraigun Juniors
Juniors Event #3 Samantha Kline Jacob Fraigun Juniors
Juniors Event #4 Leo Rodriguez Samantha Kline Jacob Fraigun Juniors
Juniors Event #5 Jacob Fraigun Samantha Kline, Laura Fitzgerald Gergory Neff, Zoe Griffith Juniors
Juniors Event #6 Jacob Fraigun Leo Rodriguez Travis Juniors
Juniors Event #7 Leo Rodriguez Jacob Fraigun Juniors
Juniors Event #8 Leo Rodriguez Travis Albright Jacob Fraigun Juniors
Kaisers Pirates Andrew Cohen Brett Dedrick Amanda Meyer Wargame
Kingsburg Bruce Schlickbernd Greg Richardson Burt Hunt Euro
Last Night on Earth Social
Liar's Dice #1 Patrick Havert Bradley Burcar Mary Taylor Party
Liar's Dice #2 Mary Taylor Chia Richardson Lori Greene Party
Lifeboat Social
Limits Dave Lopez Sam Peay James Harteker Family
Lords of the Sierra Madre Jim Gutt Gerald Delker Strategy
Lords of the Spanish Main Braulio Busquiazio Strategy
Lost Cities Michael Sarsoza Walter Wichowski Ben Mack Euro
Merchant of Venus Jim Cowan Dan O'Farrell Roderick Lee Strategy
Mille Bornes #2 Matthew Colville, Craig Steele John Ruff, Ben Mack Social
Modern Art Jillian Burcar Bradley Burcar Tim Malaney Euro
Modern Naval Battles Steve Williams Mark Luta Gerald Delker Social
Munchkin Rocco Garcia Guy Yamato Mary Ann Social
Munchkin Odin8186 Keith Hughes Erick Gadal Social
Munchkin Chris Venuti Heather Hardenberg Dylan Venuti Social
Munchkin Michael Parra Odin8186 Johnathan Pulos Social
Munchkin Bites Tyler King Kenneth Kaler Brian Symineton Social
Munchkin Booty - Playtest Social
Munchkin Shanghai Noon Tim Slusher Emily LfD Rocco Garcia Social
Napoleonic Wars Michael benton, Tim Porter Wargame
Nexus Ops Keith Brush Clint Corely Ted Blegen Strategy
Niagara Jarek Smith Robert Neff Jonathon Kottler Euro
Ninja Burger Alex Utter James Alexander Maryann Kline Social
Ninja Burger John Miller James Bach Vic Stakovsky Social
No Thanks Andreas Pluchar Patrick Havert Pearl Newton Family
Notre Dame Shannon Beets Jason Shire Seth Jaffee Euro
Nuclear War Jim Cowan Vincent Lawdy James Thomas Social
On the Underground Chris Johnson Paul Allwood Seth Jaffee Rail
Origins, How we became Human Phil Eklund Braulio Busquiazio Ginger Busquiazo Strategy
Pez #1 Sam Peay Bill Bussick Robert Neff, Stanton Peay Social
Pez #2 Heather Hardenberg Chris Venuti Nathaniel Taylor Social
Phase 10 #1 Chia Richardson Greg Richardson Cathy Neelon Social
Phase 10 #2 Mary Taylor Nathaniel Taylor Dan O'Farrell Social
Phase 10 #3 Stephanie Schidel Tanya Aldrich Debra Brinkman Social
Pirate King Family
Pillars of the Earth Darrell Stark Winton Lemoine Euro
Pit #1 Erich Sforza Abraham Ivie Edward Roske Party
Pit #2 Joseph Will Edward Roske Krysta Fryer Party
Pitch Car #1 Cameron Patterson Elliot Hughes Jarred Morton Family
Pitch Car #2 Dan O'Farrell Brett Dedrick Krysta Fryer Family
Poker - 5 Card Draw Mike Fryer Daniel Brinkman Tarynne Fraigun Cards
Poker - 7 Card Stud Eric Elder Scott Samarel Tarynne Fraigun Cards
Poker - Texas Hold 'Em Ben Mack Scott Samarel Jonathan Kottler Cards
Power Grid Chris Johnson Stephanie Kelleher Bruce Schlikenbernd Euro
Princes of Florence Ben Holbrook John Margeron Cheryl Aday Euro
Protospiel #1 Special
Protospiel #2 Special
Puerto Rico Daniel Eppolito Shannon Beets Darrell Stark Euro
Quelf #1 Samantha Peay Robin Erb Pearl Newton, Jon Nickols Party
Quelf #2 Robin Erb Erin Fitzsimmons Neil Figuracion Party
Qwirkle Mark Gilutin -128 Rob Escalante - 112 Robbie Charbeneau - 101 Family
Ra Roderick Lee Jim Rasfeld Sysler Steward Euro
Race for the Galaxy Brian Hughes Grant Zweifel Bruce Schlikenbernd Euro
Rail Baron Paul Bonday Roderick Lee Knee'Ah Stonecutter Rail
Rail Game 1 Steve Loeb, Jeff Lake, Jason Shire, Stephanie Sarsoza Rail
Railroad Tycoon Peter Van Ettinger Scott Samarel Satanter Pear Rail
Robo Rally #1 Joe Neelon Tanya Aldrich Victor Ippolito Strategy
Robo Rally #2 Chia Richardson Steve Loeb Joseph Neelon Strategy
Roman Civil War Fabio Mark Luta Matt Elstein Wargame
RSI - Duel 2 Strategy
RSI - Orcs vs Dwarves Strategy
Saint Petersburg Todd Vander Pluym, Kenneth Heilfron Anna Aceia Euro
San Juan Bruce Schlickbernd Jessica Escobedo Stanton Peay Euro
Scepter of Zavandor Scott Samarel Jonathan Flagg Ronald Fraigun Euro
Scrabble Rob Escalante Anne Sidell Albert Park Family
Seafarers of Catan Andreas Pluchar Jonathan Mabe Robert Held Euro
Sekigahara David Koontz Dane Melille DEMO
Sekigahara DEMO
Settlers of Catan Abraham Ivie Johrathn Mabe Eric Gadal Euro
Shadows Over Camelot Strategy
Skrall! - Vikings in Space Strategy
Skrall! - Vikings in Space Strategy
Skrall! - Vikings in Space Strategy
Skrall! - Vikings in Space Strategy
Skrall! - Vikings in Space Strategy
Slide 5 #1 Chia Richardson Bill Gallagher Chris Johnson Strategy
Slide 5 #2 Burt Hunt Robert Neff Greg Richardson Family
Solaria #1 David Koontz Chad Smith Seth Jaffee DEMO
Solaria #2 Ted Blegen Clint Corely Ron Ramos DEMO
Space Pirate Game Social
Spades #1 Scott Samarel, Gayle Charboneau Dan O'Farrell, Krysta Fryer Stephanie Schidel, Shad Schidel Cards
Spades #2 Fern Carrasquillo, Dave O'Brien Larry Pollack, Rocco Garcia Cards
Spades #3 Edward Roske, Cathy Neelon Ed Quiroz, Erin Gerton Cards
SPANC Heide Nichols Jesse Escobedo Solomon Chang Social
Starcraft the Boardgame Christian Hassler Raymond Preciado Joshua Garcia Wargame
Talisman Beau Boyer-Warrior JD Herskowitz-Prophetess Leonard Lopez-Troll Strategy
Television Trivia Tournament Ron Ramos, Edward Roske, Eduardo Quiroz, Erin Gerton Bill Gallagher, Leonard Lopez, Hilda Erb, Neil Figuacion Lisa Patterson, Mike Leader, Shawn Peacock, Don Tsuchiyana Party
Thebes Pearl Newton Jillian Burcar Bradley Burcar Euro
Through the Desert Jillian Burcar Bradley Burcar Leo Rodrigues Euro
Thurn and Taxis Daniel Eppolito Winton Lemoine Chris Johnson Euro
Tichu Scott Simons, Shannon Beets Roderick Lee, Stephanie Kelleher Chris Johnson, Pamela W Euro
Ticket to Ride Kenneth Heilfron Stephanie Sarsoza Robert Neff Rail
Ticket to Ride - Marklin Kenneth Heilfron Dave O'Brien Fern Carrasquillo Rail
Ticket to Ride - Switzerland Peter Van Ettinger Ken Heilfron Dan Penchman Rail
Ticket to Ride Europe Kenneth Heilfron Stephanie Sarsoza Rick Lepore Rail
Tide of Iron DEMO
Tigris & Euphrates Ted Blegen Steve Stewart Stephanie Kelleher Euro
Times Up Stephanie Schidel, Neil Figuracion, Eduardo Roske Eduardo Quiroz, Darrell Stark, Shad Schiedel Party
Titan #1 Chia Richardson Alasdair Burton Ben Tobin Strategy
Transamerica #1 Robert Neff, Greg Richardson Paul Allwood, Steve Stewart Rail
Transamerica #2 Eduardo Quiroz Paul Allwood Tanya Aldrich Rail
Tribes - Playtest Jared Fitzsimmons, Matt Grimaldi, Joshua Griset, John Braden, Guy Yamoto Social
Trivial Pursuit Darrell Stark Nick Chavez Ian Rodriguez Family
Twilight Imperium III Vincent Aken Matthew Smith Strategy
Twilight Struggle Rick Lepore Chris Withers Roderick Lee Wargame
Ubongo Chris Johnson Darrell Stark Eduardo Quiroz Social
Union Pacific Anne Sidell Eric Verheiden Paul Bonday Rail
Uno #1 Edward Roske Eduardo Quiroz Josua Griset Social
Uno #2 Brian Migues JD Herskowitz The Goddess Pat Social
Uno #3 Pajama Party Mary Taylor Rick Hefner Pat Griffith Social
Uno #4 Leonard Lopez Cathy Neelon Taryn Social
Uno #5 Nathaniel Taylor Tanya Aldrich Mary Taylor Social
Vegas Showdown Taryanne Fraigun Jonathan Kottler Ruth Rodrigues Euro
War Game, WWII The Wargame
War Game, WWII The Wargame
Warrior Knights Nick Szegedi Bernard Hansel Roland Wood Wargame
Warzone Troy Ben Carol Wargame
Warzone Ben, Scott Troy Carol Wargame
Warzone Dylan Venuti, Hunter Wargame
Warzone Wargame
Warzone Wargame
Warzone Wargame
Werewolf #1 Party
Werewolf - Daytime Social
Werewolf #3 Party
Werewolf #4 Party
Wheedle Seth Jaffee Sam Peay Pearl Newton Family
Winds of Plunder Tommy Lepore Jessica Escobedo Jay Christensen Euro
Wits and Wagers Tim Porter Darrell Stark Roland Cooke Party
World Conquerors Wargame
Zooloretto Roderick Lee Dan Sanchez Dylan Venuti Euro
Collectibles Name 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
24 TCG Craig Hibbs Jonathan Brown
Anachronism: 2/3 Package Deal Tom Schmutz Mathew Wilson
Button Men: High School Drama Darrin Hammer Johnathan Brown
Heroscape Vincent Perry Luke Kenton Anthony Abeyta
Kingdom Hearts Dylan Venuti Chris Venuti
Magic the Gathering Tim Wilson Charles Watson Jonathan Brown
Magic the Gathering: Booster Draft Dann Webster Charles Watson Myra Martino
Magic the Gathering: Highlander Chuck Watson Daniel Watson
Marvel Heroscape Jarred Morton Eli Morton
Mechwarrior Chuck Watson
Orccon Chunin Exam Anh Do Michael Valintine
Pirates of Caribbean Chuck Watson Bart Hutley
Pirates Sink-N-Keep Chuck Watson Brandon Henriksen Tim Wilson
Star Wars Miniatures Chuck Watson Lloyd Adams Lisa Patterson
UFS - Orccon Rumble Grant Wheatly Tristan Delvalle William Rutan
Warlord Efrain Astorga Steve Collier Rami Silverman
Warlord: Battle Royale Heather Sinauskas Rami Silverman Efrain Astorga
Warlord Epic: Doubles Don Tsuchiyama, David Tsuchiyama Efrain Astorga
Warlord: Poor Man Chris Schoenthel Efrian Astorga Lloyd Adams
World of Warcraft Own Tay Pat Roach Leo Rodrigues
Yu-Gi-Oh! Robert Charboneau
Video Game 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Diablo 2 Jason DuVall Warren Johnson Polly Aylor
Guitar Hero Brad Bittner Stephanie Kelleher Jared Fitzsimmons
Halo Todd Schlickbernd Tim Jenkins Rob Dolliver
Rogue Alasdair Burton Polly Aylor Jason DuVall
LARPS Game 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Apocalarp - Trial by Fire David Krieger Crystle Stevenson, Tom Skalski Crystal Koontz
Apocalarp - Trial by Fire Jayarre Cox Dan Peschman Crystle Stevenson
Miniatures Game 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
B5 ACTA Tournament Marc Perez Jeffrey Perez Michael Shen
Circus Maximus Russell Dobbins Gary Okuma Gregg Lukomski
Hordes - Warmachine Parker Gibson Darci Gibson Greg Sztain
Best Terrain - Day James Svette
Best Terrain - Night
Broadside Bash 1st Place
Warhammer Fantasy:
(Best Sportsman)
(Best Painted)
(Best Army)
(Best General)

Tom Weber
Bob Felix
Richard Bark
Wade Durant
Robert Channell
Warhammer 40K:
(Best Sportsman)
(Best Painted)
(Best Army)
(Best General)

Jason Sedlak
Jason Wilson
Bryan Jones
Chris Hlynka
Paul Haban
Painting Contest 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Best of Show Richard Bark
Fantasy Large Scott Walker Katie Gonzales Michele Wheeler
Fantasy Single Richard Bark Nate Rice Orlando Munoz
Fantasy Unit Richard Bark Nate Rice Hugh Singh
Historical Large Hugh Singh
Historical Single Nate Rice Hugh Singh Janice Sellers
Historical Unit John Knox Hugh Singh
Open Orlando Munoz Ted Blegen Hugh Singh
Science Fiction Large Orlando Munoz Joel Sherperski Chris Hylinka
Science Fiction Single Orlando Munoz John Knox Lee Daugherty
Science Fiction Unit John Knox Orlando Munoz Joel Sherperski