Code of Conduct
- Please wear your badge at all times in the convention area. Your badge is your only proof to us that you have paid your admission fee and is therefore required in order to participate in any convention activities. It should be worn above the waist, in front, so it’s visible to our convention staff. If you lose your badge, a new one will cost full price!
- Never use the table space in the tournament gaming rooms or demonstration area for open gaming.
- If you enter a tournament, please bring a copy of the game to be played. Otherwise, your participation in the tournament will not be assured, since there may not be enough copies of the game (brought by other players) to go around. In fact, if you do not have a copy of the game, you may be replaced by someone who does!
- Keep an eye on your property! We are not responsible for the safe-keeping of your belongings, with the exception of items left with us at the auction.
- If you register and pay for admission for one day only, you gain admission from the time you register until 8 am the next morning. After 8 am you must reregister and pay the difference in admission fees if you wish to continue your attendance.
- There is no rule number 6.
- All “Live-Action Role-Playing games” must be organized by the convention staff. All unauthorized “Live-Action Gaming” is prohibited. Anyone caught participating in a non-convention-organized activity may be removed from the convention without a refund of admission.
- The legal age to drink or purchase alcohol in California is 21. No drinking is allowed in the convention meeting areas, only at bars and in hotel rooms. Violation may result in expulsion without a refund.
- No weapons, real or facsimile, are allowed in the hotel. This includes swordcanes, which are illegal and a felony in California. Weapons that are purchased in the Dealer Room must be wrapped and removed to your room or car immediately.
- No smoking is allowed anywhere within the Hilton Hotel.
- Do not use the fire exits unless there is an emergency.
- We are not responsible for your children.
- Strategicon is for humans only. ALL humans are to be treated equally, with respect, by everyone involved in any way with Strategicon. If you feel that anyone is willfully inhibiting your ability to enjoy Strategicon events, please contact your nearest Staff member and report the incident.